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Publications on C-H amination and nitrene methodology

3. The Multiple Facets of Iodine(III) Compounds in an unprecedented catalytic auto-amination for chiral amine synthesis

J. Buendia, G. Grelier, B. Darses, A. G. Jarvis, and P. Dauban

Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2016, 55, 7530-7533.


2. Chapter 7.19: Addition Reactions with Formation of Carbon-Nitrogen Bonds

P. Dauban, B. Darses and A. Jarvis

Comprehensive Organic Synthesis II, 2014, 7, 538-604. Elseiver.


1. Asymmetric synthesis of amines through rhodium-catalyzed C-H amination with  sulfonimidoylnitrenes

B. Darses, A. G. Jarvis, A.-K. Mafroud, G. Estenne-Bouhtou, G. Dargazanli, and P. Dauban

Synthesis; Practical Procedures Paper, 2013, 45, 2079-2087.


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